Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Today I went a bit Queen spotting. Unfortunately the queen was a tad busy and could not see me. She did reschedule to a future date.

The trip went as follows.
  1. I started off at Green Park. Nice.
  2. Then it was Buckingham Palace. So - So. Lots of people and gold.
  3. Off to St James Park, with some birdies and water. Relaxing park.
  4. The Trafalgar square with the South African Embassy.
  5. I went to the National Gallery and saw lots of painting. A Rehembrant as well.
  6. Down I walk to Downing Street (where the prime minister works). Was couple of cameras and people waiting for something. The guys with the guns scared me so I did not take any pictures there.
  7. Just up the road from that is Westminster Abbey and across the street St Margrets and St Stephens. All close by.
I was quite a day.

Just look as all those pics.

Queenspotting 1.

Queenspotting 2.

On Facebook again.

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